Types of therapy

Types of therapy

Knowing which therapy to choose is important as specific methodologies work better with certain personality types and issues.

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    What types of therapy are there?

    As there are dozens of approaches to therapy and counselling that are designed to help with a broad range of issues, knowing which type of therapy is best for you is important. Often, clients will go through many different therapists in their lifetime and may switch between methods and practices depending on what they need at the time.

    While an individual may not know exactly what type of therapy is right for them until they are well into their therapy journey, having a broad understanding of the different types of treatment can help them be better placed to make decisions down the road.

    The founding models of psychotherapy

    These therapies serve as the basis for most models used today.


    Psychoanalysis is built on the work of Sigmund Freud, who pioneered the idea that our psychological issues are built in the unconscious mind.

    A psychoanalyst will discuss with clients their past experiences using techniques such as free association and dream analysis with the aim of uncovering repressed feelings that affect the person’s current mental state and behaviour. 

    Person-centred therapy

    Client-centred or person-centred therapy was developed by Carl Rogers and is based on the theory that we all have the innate potential and desire to better ourselves. In person-centred therapy, the counsellor doesn’t take the role of an expert but rather offers the client unconditional positive regard, congruence, and empathy in order to help them better themselves

    Jungian therapy

    Jungian therapy often involves practices that engage the unconscious part of the brain, such as dream analysis, word association, creative activities, and in some cases hypnosis. Jungian therapy can be beneficial to clients looking to understand themselves and their drivers better and to develop skills to manage difficult situations and emotions better.

    Gestalt therapy

    Gestalt is derived from German and means ‘whole’ or ‘pattern’. Gestalt therapy focuses on the client as a whole and does not seek to separate their behaviour, emotions, and past experience. Gestalt therapists will work with clients to get them to understand how they operate in the present to better understand how they manage situations and emotional responses. This is similar to humanistic and integrative counselling.

    Help better your career and personal life

    Therapies that are designed to improve the self


    Coaching is a broad term that incorporates many different forms of therapeutic approaches. Coaching is often used to improve clients’ skill sets, including self-efficiency, self-management, and working on your personal development goals. 

    discussing problems with a therapist can help resolve issues

    Therapy and counselling can help to improve mood, wellbeing, and develop skills that can benefit in day to day life.

    Transactional analysis

    Transactional analysis incorporates humanistic, psychodynamic, and cognitive-behavioural approaches in order to understand how and why a client behaves the way they do towards others.

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    Improve wellbeing through creative therapy

    Taking the Holistic approach

    Creative therapy, also occasionally referred to as holistic or art therapy, incorporates psychotherapeutic approaches that use creative expression to explore a client’s issues.

    This method can be particularly useful with young people, those who have experienced extreme trauma, and those who find it difficult to express themselves verbally.

    Art therapy

    Music therapy

    Play therapy

    Yoga therapy

    Everyone needs help sometimes

    If you need help, there is always an option through therapy

    Therapy methodologies have been designed to treat a wide range of emotional issues. If you feel like you need help dealing with past trauma or current relationship issues, there will be a form of therapy that can help

    Therapies designed to change how you see the world

    Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

    Unlike CAT which looks at past behaviour to figure out what makes a person act the way they do, CBT looks at a person’s behaviour and way of thinking in order to create a link that can be changed.

    Cognitive analytic therapy (CAT)

    CAT involves looking at a client’s past experiences and relationships to understand what drives their behaviour and why they act the way they do.

    Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

    Neuro-linguistic programming involves a combination of different therapeutic approaches, including humanistic therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, and hypnotherapy.

    Bringing people closer together

    Family therapy

    Family therapy works with families as a whole as opposed to the individual level and looks to strengthen relationships via understanding current dynamics and improving them.

    Emotionally focused therapy

    Emotionally focused therapy does exactly what it sounds like; therapists work with clients to understand their emotions and help build stable relationships with others.

    Interpersonal therapy (IPT)

    IPT counsellors will look at the client’s relationships with others and identify any problems or patterns that can be changed or can have coping mechanisms developed for them. 

    Some clients require specialised therapy to deal with difficult emotions

    Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR)​

    EMDR was designed to treat those with past trauma and is most prevalently used in treating people suffering from PTSD. EDMR replicates the same psychological state the brain enters when in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. By replicating this with EMDR, therapists hope to help clients by processing traumatic memories and the emotional connection to them.

    Psychodynamic psychotherapy

    The importance of the unconscious mind and childhood experience as a precursor for current emotions and behaviours is still present, though the therapist will work to improve the client’s current relationships and behaviour instead of focusing heavily on the unconscious.