Alcohol addiction

Understanding alcohol addiction

Alcohol is a legal beverage consumed in many forms, most commonly wine, beer, and spirits. In low doses, alcohol can lower anxiety and inhibitions, promoting a relaxed state. It acts as a depressant in larger quantities and can cause loss of motor function, slurred speech, and short-term memory loss.

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    Is alcohol really addictive?

    Alcohol use disorder (AUD) encompasses various harmful drinking behaviours, including alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, and alcohol addiction (alcoholism). Warning signs of alcohol use disorder are related to patterns of drinking, the continuance of alcohol consumption despite negative consequences and the presence of withdrawal symptoms.

    The consumption of an increasing volume of alcohol, particularly if more alcohol is consumed than was intended, or if the individual finds it difficult or impossible to stop drinking, may indicate a problem. Often those with alcohol addiction develop a tolerance to alcohol, requiring more and more to have the same effects.

    Am I addicted to alcohol?

    In most cases, a person’s likelihood of developing an alcohol use disorder is directly related to their drinking habits, such as frequency of drinking and volume of alcohol consumed. Research also shows that psychological, biological, and social aspects also play a part in an individual’s predisposition to developing an alcohol use disorder.

    You may not know if you're addicted to alcohol

    The cause of alcohol addiction can be different for everyone, though research suggests these as the main factors involved:

    1. Genetics 
    2. A family history of alcoholism
    3. Parental drinking habits
    4. Exposure to trauma in childhood
    5. Drinking alcohol in adolescence
    6. Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety
    7. Psychiatric disorders such as bipolar disorder and antisocial personality disorder

    Alcohol addiction effects people in multiple ways

    effects of alcohol addiction

    Alcohol is a depressant that affects the central nervous system, causing mental and physical faculties to slow down and become impaired.

    While the early effects of alcohol use are usually fairly mild for most people, prolonged use can cause more severe symptoms. The culture of alcohol consumption in Western countries has also made it difficult to identify the difference between casual use and abuse. The most common differentiator is that abuse typically in a negative impact on one’s life, such as:

    Financial issues

    Trouble focusing without alcohol

    Relationship issues

    Psychological damage

    Get treatment for alcohol addiction today

    Alcohol addiction treatment

    Getting help for alcohol addiction may seem daunting and even admitting that there is a problem can be challenging. Speaking to a trained addiction specialist, a medical professional, or a therapist can help you to identify any issues you may have with alcohol consumption.

    Don’t wait until it’s too late to get help.