Counselling & Rehab in Kent

Drug & alcohol rehab in Kent

If you’re looking for substance abuse treatment in Kent, there are many options available to you. These include inpatient rehab, outpatient treatment, remote access support, as well as counselling, and therapy.

Find addiction treatment near you today and bring balance to your life.

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    Get details about Rehab & Counselling

    Balanced is dedicated to providing counselling, therapy, and rehabilitation services for all those affected by addiction. Read below to see what services are available in your area.


    Maidstone town centre

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    Telephone: 01622 320473
    Email: [email protected]


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    Find drug and alcohol addiction services in Kent

    At, we help individuals overcome their addictions. Our purpose is to provide access to the most effective counselling and rehabilitation services in Kent and the rest of the country.

    We have years of experience in the field of drug and alcohol addiction treatment and our aim is to make rehab and assistance accessible to all those who need it.

    therapy helps thousands of people

    What treatment options are available in Kent?

    If you are looking for drug and alcohol treatment options in Kent, there are a number of local rehab and counselling services that can help. This section provides a list of the most common rehab methods used in Kent.

    Inpatient rehab

    Inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation is a residential treatment program that involves living in the facility for the duration of your treatment.

    Outpatient treatment

    Outpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation means that you live at home and attend daily/weekly therapy or counselling sessions at a treatment centre.

    Remote treatment

    Remote drug and alcohol rehabilitation involves communicating with therapists and addiction specialists without having to leave home.

    Rehab services offered in Kent is one of the leading rehab services in Kent and London that offers high-quality services for people who need rehab and detoxification.
    These are the rehab services offered in Kent: addiction treatment, drug rehab, inpatient rehabilitation treatment, relapse prevention, mentor training, and support programmes.

    If you are looking for alcohol rehab or drug rehab, we can help. Our expert counsellors will work with you to create a personalised treatment plan that suits your needs and goals.
    We believe that you do not have to suffer alone, so our counsellors are here to support you throughout your journey. You will be able to speak with them about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in confidence. They will also help you process any emotions that arise during the recovery process, so that you can move forward with your life.

    Addiction treatment in a group setting

    We have a wide range of services in Kent that include:

    • One-to-one counselling sessions
    • Group therapy sessions
    • Rehabilitation programmes for drug and alcohol addiction
    • Referrals to non-affiliated rehab centres in case we are unable to provide the required service for you

    The benefits of private rehab

    The reason private rehabs have service fees is that they offer a number of benefits in comparison with free rehabs. The most notable benefits of private rehab are getting immediate care for your addiction issues, a more comfortable setting, and personally tailored programs.

    Other benefits of private rehab include:

    • A more personalised and intimate experience – A private rehab ensures a more private environment, which can make it easier to open up about your issues. Furthermore, the care you receive in a private rehab is far more personalised and tailored to your needs.
    • More in-depth treatment and therapy options – In many cases, you will get a thorough initial assessment of your case prior to entering the programme, as well as a full assessment of your needs once you have completed the programme.
    • Rigorous care – The level of care provided by a private rehab is significantly higher. Factors like comfort, convenience, and thoroughness of your recovery are all taken into consideration.

    Free and NHS addiction treatment options in Kent

    East Kent Community Drug And Alcohol Service – Ashford

    Address: Transport House, Drum Lane, Ashford, Kent, TN23 1LQ

    Phone: 0300 123 1186

    Email: [email protected]


    Services: Rapt, Rethink, and Nacro have teamed up to form the East Kent Community Drug and Alcohol Service. They support people in East Kent who have drug and alcohol problems and want to make positive changes, regardless of the substance they use.

    Hours: 9am – 5pm (Monday, Tuesday, and Friday), 9am – 1pm (Wednesday), 9am – 7pm (Thursday)

    Kenward House

    Address: Kenward Trust, Kenward Road, Yalding, Kent, ME18 6AH

    Phone: 01622 814 187

    Email: [email protected]


    Services: Kenward House is a residential alcohol and drug treatment centre that provides a structured, supported environment for individuals recovering from alcohol and substance abuse. The therapeutic process follows the Recovery Model approach, which combines a number of cognitive (behavioural) techniques with a variety of skill development options.

    Hours: 9am – 5pm (Monday to Friday)

    Travel options for Kent


    Kent is easily accessible via trains from London and across the South coast.


    Kent’s major Airport in Manston (MSE) but is located very near Gatwick, which offers more travel options.


    Kent is accessible via four major motorways; the M25, M2, M20, and M26.

    FAQs about addiction and treatment in Kent

    Is rehab guaranteed to stop substance abuse?

    Rehab is a proven and effective way to get addicted people clean. With up to 90% of people addicted to alcohol and other substances able to stay sober after rehab/rehabilitation, it is a highly effective way of recovering from addiction. However, rehab will not work for every addict, nor is it guaranteed that someone will remain sober following rehab.

    How should I tell my loved ones I’m going to rehab?

    It’s a tough situation for any loved one to be in, but you have to be honest. If you don’t tell them, then they might find out in the worst way possible. If you need help getting started, here are some tips to help you tell your loved ones:

    • Be prepared. Make sure you know what your loved ones will want to hear and what they need to know. If they’re not ready to hear it all at once, break it down into smaller chunks that are easier for them to digest.
    • Don’t get angry or defensive if they give you advice or ask questions about your choices. Be patient and answer honestly so they can understand what’s going on with you and why rehab is necessary for your recovery.
    • Be open about what happened that led up to needing treatment in the first place. Your loved ones may have heard some things from friends or family that aren’t true or are only part of the story; being able to give them an accurate account of what happened will make it easier for them to understand your choices and support them going forward.

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